Rasmussen South Carolina Poll Confirms Romney Rise

Despite what ARG says, Mitt Romney is not currently leading in the early state of South Carolina. He is, however, improving in that state – and in a not-so-small way. While Romney is apparently not in the mid-twenties in SC, and while he does not lead Fred Thompson and Rudy Giuliani, he does lead McCain, and has increased his support by 50% since the last Rasmussen poll. Here are the results of the newest release:

Rasmussen South Carolina GOP Primary – September 27, 2007

Fred Thompson – 24%
Rudy Giuliani – 20%
Mitt Romney – 15%
John McCain – 10%

While this is not the huge boost for Romney that we saw in ARG, it is a considerable bump. Earlier in the election, many people believed that Romney – being both from the North East and a Mormon – would be unable to win South Carolina. Some suggested that he should completely write off the state. Now, however, Romney is only five points behind national frontrunner Giuliani and local son Thompson. Time will tell if Romney can take the lead there, but he is certainly doing very well in a state that was supposed to be a “lost cause.”

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One response to “Rasmussen South Carolina Poll Confirms Romney Rise

  1. Columbia, South Carolina, December 18, 2007 (IMNS & Politisite.com) — A new Rasmussen Poll has Governor Huckabee and Governor Romney in a statistical dead heat with both candidates at 23% from the last poll taken December 3rd.

    The Romney campaign has been advertising heavily throughout South Carolina with negative ads directed towards Huckabee’s record. Another organization, ClubforGrowth.net has spent 200,000 dollars in South Carolina running ads entitled “United,” the ad asks people to call Mike Huckabee and challenge him on his tax policy as Governor. When you go to the site and view the taxes he increased, you will find mostly “sin” type taxes like cigarettes and beer. The ads appear to be effecting his numbers as Huckabee is down 2 percentage points while Romney has gained 5.

    The Huckabee campaign is also advertising heavily focusing on the positive side of the equation. Today a non political ad wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and to enjoy time with family during the holiday season. The other campaigns are not advertising as often as the Huckabee and Romney Camp here,

    Fred Thompson has lost 6 points to 12% and McCain gains 3% to 12%. Mayor Giuliani loses 1 point to 11%. Ron Paul, who raised six million dollars in one day is at 5% up one percentage point from the last poll. In an Iron Mill News & Politisite Poll, Ron Paul wins the yard sign Poll by a huge margin.

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