Daily Archives: July 17, 2007

Senate to Pull All-Nighter

It looks like Harry Reid and his Democratic conspiritors are going to force the Senate into an around-the-clock debate circus. I am not going to cover it extensively on my site becuase it is nothing more than a stunt. Instead, I am going to have my readers check in at http://www.rightontheright.com for coverage. Justin is staying up, and I may be making an appearance or two on the discussion thread.

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McCain Slips Big in New Hampshire, Romney up 6%

A new CNN poll has Romney in the lead in New Hampshire, but he is not the biggest newsmaker. After announcing that he will focus on only the traditional first states of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina, John McCain has fallen 8% in the July Poll. Here are the results, June results in parentheses:

CNN New Hampshire Poll – July Results

Mitt Romney 34% (28%)

Rudy Giuliani 20% (20%)

Fred Thompson  13% (11%)

John McCain 12% (20%)

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The Liberal’s View of Al-Qaeda

Today was the release date for a report by the National Intelligence Estimate on the threat facing the United States and other things related to the War on Terror. I don’t want to go into the exact details of the report, but I do want to focus on one of the questions asked by a White House reporter. Unfortunately, I did not catch the name, but the question provides great insight into the Left’s view of the War on Terror. The question was, and this is a rough quote, “What about UBL? This Administration always talks about Al-Qaeda as a whole, rather than focusing on the man who actually attacked us on 9/11.”

So, what is the problem with this question? It is a prime example of the narrow-mindedness of the American Left when it comes to the War on Terror. In their opinion, the WoT is a war of revenge, a tit-for-tat fight with only one focus: Usama Bin Laden. This question actually takes it a step further, revealing not only the Left’s mindset, but also how idiotic the mindset is. UBL did not actually conduct the attack himself, it was not the work of a lone suicide bomber. Instead, 9/11 was a prime example of an operation conducted by “Al-Qaeda as a whole.” The attack could not have been successful without the coordinated workings of the entire terrorist network.

The position that UBL should be our only focus is dangerous. If we were to target only the top man, the organization would be left intact, as would all of the other terrorist groups and rogue states. The War on Terror is not a quick war of revenge, it is a long, complicated, and deadly battle to make America safer and destroy the biggest threats to global security. Keep that in mind when the 2008 elections roll around.

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Little Change in Rasmussen Poll

As expected, there is not much change in the Rasmussen Presidential tracking poll. This is not a big surprise, since you don’t usually see a large number of people changing their support in one day. Thompson, Romney, and McCain are all up by 1%, Rudy stayed the same. Here are the results:

 Rasmussen Presidential Tracking Poll – 7/17/07

Fred Thompson – 24%

Rudy Giuliani – 22%

Mitt Romney – 14%

John McCain – 12%

Overall, not much new information, Thompson keeps the lead while Romney remains within 10% of the lead. John McCain remains at the bottom of the top tier.

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